Tuesday, November 1, 2011

4th Grade Musical Art

4th Grade Artists created Musical Art in our unit on the art element of line. Each artist drew the contour lines of a musical string instrument, zooming in on interesting views. We then listened to music by each string instrument and drew lines that represented the movement of the instrument's sound waves. Each instrument sounded very different, therefore, the lines kiddos created were very different. Students then used the line they thought represented the movement of sound for their instrument to create a background for their instrument contour drawings. They then made color choices based on their instrument and the sound it makes and painted thier artwork with tempera paint. To finish everything off, students drew the strings for their instrument and trace their sound lines with oil pastel. Wow! These turned out fantastic!


  1. The color is great and I especially like the representations of the sound waves -- neat idea.

  2. Really good kids!!!
